
StrategY Implementation Live (SIL)

How To Leverage A National Brand To Find Motivated Sellers And Below Market Value Deals


Stay tuned until our next event
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Operations Coordinator for Property Investing License/Franchise

BMV Code of Ethics

You will be expected to:

  1. Be professional, polite and respectful to prospective sellers at all times.
  2. Respond to all each and every contact from prospective sellers as soon as possible and most definitely within 24 hours
  3. Appraise deals quickly and give sellers detailed feedback on why you arrived at your offer
  4. Work quickly, sensitively and professionally to complete deals as quickly as you can
  5. You WILL NOT revise your offers at the last minute
  6. If you cannot do the deal because of lack of funds or another reason and want to sell the deal to another party you will be expected to inform the seller of your intention and any fee you will receive along with the realistic timescales. If the person or company you sell it to delays the deal, you will be held responsible, in short, you cannot ‘pass on’ your responsibility to treat the seller with respect.
  7. All verbal conversations and offers to with sellers will be followed up with emails and or Whats Apps recapping what was discussed as well as any outcomes/offers/actions. You will be expected to ask the seller to confirm they are happy that the summary is correct.

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